May's Core Value: Health and Fitness
May's Theme: Destination Parks
June's Core Value: Perseverance
June's Theme: Over the Horizon
May Pack Resource Sheet (begins on p. 104)
May Pack Meeting Plans: “Health and Fitness” AND “Destination: Parks”
June Pack Resource Sheet (begins on p. 108)
June Pack Meeting Plans: “Perseverance” AND “Over the Horizon”
Gathering Activity
Kim’s Game (Hiking Items)
This game uses items you should always take on a hike such as a whistle, flashlight, map, compass, trail mix, candy, plastic water bottle, trash bag, pocket knife, adhesive bandage, moleskin, antibiotic
ointment, safety pins, sunscreen, and matches. These are also the “outdoor essentials” for hiking. Cover the items with a sheet or large towel when Scouts arrive. For the game, have Scouts gather around the table. Lift the cover and give Scouts 30 seconds to study the items. Replace the cover over the objects and have the Scouts return to their seats. Then have them raise their hands and identify one object they saw, taking turns until all of the items have been identified.
Opening Ceremony
Four Directions
Materials: Four Cub Scouts, each with a poster with a large letter for his direction on it. On the back, the following is written for each boy to read.Cubmaster: Finding our way to our destination in the park is aided by the use of a compass, which shows the four directions—north, south, east, and west.
(Each Cub Scout enters from his side of the room or outdoor area, holding one of four posters. with a
large letter for his direction on it. On the back, the following is written for each boy to read):
Cub Scout 1 (“E”): I represent the East. From me comes the sun each day, giving light to all living things to help them to be strong and healthy.
Cub Scout 2 (“S”): I represent the South. From me comes heat and rain, so all living things have warmth and water to drink.
Cub Scout 3 (“N”): I represent the North. From me comes cold and snow, so all living things can
experience coolness and the beauty of winter.
Cub Scout 4 (“W”): I represent the West. To me, the sun comes at the end of each day, giving the world darkness so all living things can rest.
Cubmaster: We gather from all directions, joined together in the Law of the Pack. Will everyone please stand, give the Cub Scout sign, and join me in reciting the Law of the Pack.
Training Topic
Chartered Organization Relationships
• The foundation of BSA’s unit structure is the chartered organization.Who are some of the chartered organizations in our local district?
• There is much more to sponsoring the unit than providing a place to meet.
—The chartered organization has selected Scouting as a key to achieving its purpose and mission in the local community.
—The chartered organization may be a church, civic group, school, or other such organization that works in conjunction with the BSA to provide an outreach program for youth.
—The chartered organization is effectively a “franchisee” or “owner-operator” of the Scouting program.
• By receiving a charter from the Boy Scouts of America, the chartered organization agrees to do several things:
—Conduct Scouting in accordance with its own policies and guidelines as well as those of the BSA.
—Include Scouting as part of its overall program for youth and families.
—Appoint a chartered organization representative who is a member of the organization and will
represent it to the Scouting unit as a voting member of the district and council.
—Select a unit committee of parents and members of the organization who will screen and select unit
leaders who meet the organization’s leadership standards as well as the BSA’s standards.
—Provide adequate and secure facilities for Scouting units to meet on a regular schedule with time and place reserved.
—Encourage the units to participate in outdoor experiences.
• Building this relationship can be a richly rewarding opportunity for both the chartered organization
and the Scouting unit, but it requires effort by both parties.
—The unit encourages greater support from its chartered organization.
—The unit can show its appreciation of the chartered organization’s generous support through service
and other events important to the chartered organization.
• Begin by working closely with your chartered organization representative.
—Every BSA unit should ensure the chartered organization representative is kept current with unit
events and future plans.
—The chartered organization representative should be invited to committee meetings, and better yet,
be an active part of the unit committee.
—Encouraging open communication and seeking the advice of your chartered organization
representative helps the unit become an integral part of the chartered organization.
—What are some examples of ways your unit serves its chartered organization?
• It is also an opportunity for the chartered organization to use Scouting to further its goals.
—For a religious institution, Scouting may be a part of its youth program.
—A parent organization, such as a local PTA or home schooling organization, may use Scouting to serve educational aims with a high-quality, values-based program.
—Local civic groups often serve as chartered organizations for Scouting units as part of their community service initiatives.
• Voice of the Scout data indicates that BSA chartered organizations believe strongly in the program, but they frequently reported wishing the units did more for their institutions.
• How might a Scouting unit show its gratitude though increased support of its chartered organization?
—Assist the chartered organization as part of an annual service day that includes grounds and facilities maintenance.
—Help with decorating for religious holidays or community events, such as Veterans Day or Fourth of July, in accordance with the chartered organization’s interests.
—Help at fundraising events with volunteer service, such as assisting with a pancake breakfast or chili dinner that benefits a chartered organization’s initiative.
—Participate in Scout Sunday and Scout Sabbath in uniform.
—Participate in community parades, rallies, or special events in conjunction with the chartered
—Other special service opportunities and projects are good ways to show the unit’s appreciation.
—Close dialog with the chartered organization representative can identify which opportunities are
appropriate for the unit to support and how.
• If the unit is not currently engaged in service back to its chartered organization a few times a year,
it may be wise to sit down with your chartered organization representative and ask how your unit can
more actively give back to the organization.
• Building a healthy relationship based on mutual support allows both organizations to maximize the
benefits of Scouting in our communities.
BSA Reference Materials
• BSA Chartered Organization Agreement, No. 524-182
• The Chartered Organization, No. 32196
• The Chartered Organization Representative, No. 33118
• Training for the Chartered Organization Representative should be available through the local council.
Audience Participation Activity
Goin’ on a Scout Hike
We’re goin’ on a Scout hike. (Feet marching.)
We’re getting to the tall grass. (Rub palms of hands back and forth.)
Up ahead there’s a bridge.
Here we go across the bridge. (Hit chest with alternating fists.)
We’re across the bridge. (Resume marching.)
We’re going up a big hill. (Slow march, heavy breathing.)
We’re on the top now, here we go down the other side. (Speed up march.)
Now we’re on level ground. (Regular marching.)
More tall grass. (Rub palms together.)
Shh! Looks like wolf country! (Stop.)
I hear a howl. (Hand to ear.)
Let’s go!
(At a fast tempo, repeat all actions and gestures in reverse order (hand to ear, stop, rub palms together, regular marching, speed marching, slow marching and heavy breathing, resume marching, hit chest, rubpalms back and forth, marching) until everyone is back home.)
It sure is a good thing we are all healthy and fit—sometimes a good walk can become a quick run!
Commissioner’s Minute
Magnetic Influence
How many of you have learned to use a compass? You know that the needle points North and will guide you in the wilderness, but have you also seen what happens when a magnet is brought near the compass? What happens? The magnet is an outside influence on the character of the compass.
Each of us has an aim in life. In Cub Scouts we teach that that aim is to do our duty to God and country, to help other people, and to obey the Law of the Pack. The Cub Scout core values like faith, compassion, honesty, and perseverance make up the magnetic field that directs the compass needle we follow.
Just like the magnet, there are influences trying to change our aim. There are temptations difficult to
overcome - temptations to get by without working, to lie, to cheat, to follow the coaxing of friends, and the jeers or threats of enemies.
We must not succumb to the attraction of these magnets in our lives, but must be steadfast in our
purpose of living up to the values of Scouting. There is safety and peace as we follow our true moral
Compass (Everyone pretend they are holding a compass in their hand, getting their bearings. Then each person points in a direction they choose and calls out “Way to Go!”)Clap and Stamp Feet (Have the group stand and clap hands three times, then stamp feet three times,
then repeat, faster and faster.)
Big Bear Hug (Put your arms around your shoulders and give yourself a big bear hug.)
Clean Air (Take in as much air as you can through your nose, hold it, then exhale and say, “Ahhhhh!”)
Sand Sculptures
Materials: 1 cup play sand, ½ cup cornstarch, ¾ cup hot water, 1 teaspoon powdered alum, a saucepan.mixed. Have an adult cook the mixture over medium heat. Keep stirring until the mixture becomes thick. Let it cool. Mold the mixture into the desired shape. When finished, place the sculpture on a windowsill or somewhere it will get plenty of sunshine. Let it dry for several days. The sand sculpture will get so hard it won’t have to be sprayed with anything to protect it. It will last forever!
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