For May's Round Table We Shared Ideas For
July's SLP: Brave Theme Home of the Brave Interest Topic: Flag Ceremonies
SLP: Clean Theme Destination Parks Interest Topic: Duty - Respect - Honor
Brain Teaser - This would be a great thing to write on the chalk or
white board for boys and parents to have something to think about while they
wait for everyone to arrive at a Pack or Den Meeting. (An idea you could use would be to reward the
cub scouts a piece of candy if they get it right).
What Am I?
"What kind of animal sounds like it lives in a medicine cabinet?
Brain Teaser Picture
*Answer is at the end of this section. (scroll
(Riddle is taken from the book: Just Joking Animal
Riddles by J. Patrick Lewis; pg. 37&38)
Activity Idea
Frame for Poster Boards - Airplane Target
*Note: This project can be used for many things!
1) Instead of attaching the Paper Airplane Poster, it can be used to attach a
sign for an event, like "Welcome to
Pack 123's Carnival."
2) The Paper Airplane Poster can be used at a Pack Meeting for a Gathering
3) The Paper Airplane Poster and PVC Frame can be made by the Cub Scouts and
given to their fathers as a Father's Day gift which encourages spending time
with Dad!
4) The Paper Airplane Poster & PVC Frame can be made by a Den Leader. Then at each den meeting the boys can earn
points for good behavior. The cub scout
with the most points at the end of the den meeting, gets to take it home and
play with it until the next den meeting when he brings it back.
Materials: Two 10ft 1/2"
PVC pipes, Four 1/2" T Connectors, Two PVC 1/2" elbows, ruler, Duct
Tape (any color), Spray paint (I recommend using a dark color so you only need
to spray on one coat), Rope or String (any color), Scissors, Paper hole punch, PVC
Pipe cutters, measuring tape, pencil, black marker (not shown in picture), 1
large plastic bag, sledge hammer, Poster Board (any color), Red Hot Blue Glue
& Purple Primer (to adhere the PVC pipes together), Dinner Plate, Lunch
Plate & Dessert Plate
1) First
using the pipe cutters take the two 10ft PVC pipes and make two 7" long pipes, four 10" long pipes, two 22" long pipes and two 28"
long pipes. Note: You will have 86 inches of pipe left over that you can use toward
another project.
2) Lay
down the large plastic trash bag to protect your garage floor. Then glue the
"feet" of the PVC frame by using Red Hot Blue Glue inside the
T-connector and Purple Primer on the ends of each 10" foot pipe. (The
reason I like to put the glue inside the connectors is so the glue does not get
everywhere). Note: apply the glue and connect the pieces you want one at
a time since the glue dries very fast.
Quickly after inserting each 10" pipe into the T-connector, tap the
very end with a heavy hammer to help the PVC pipes go in all the way.
Then connect one of the 7" pipes to a 28" pipe with a T-connector in
the middle (This will be one side of the PVC frame). Repeat for the other side of the frame. Again
use a heavy hammer to tap the ends so the pipes go into the T-connector all the
4) Take
one of the 22" pipes and glue it into the T-connectors of both sides of
the frame. This will be the bottom cross
5) With
the second 22" pipe, glue on two PVC elbows on both ends. Make sure you work quickly and twist the
elbows so they both lie flat when you place the whole top bar on the floor.
6) Now glue the top bar to the side
bars as show in the picture above.
7) As you can see I did not glue the feet to the frame. My thinking was that if you want to store it
in a closet, you will want it as flat as possible. Just tie the feet to the frame with string
for storage. This is purely personal preference. You may find that gluing the feet to the
frame will help keep them from getting lost and prefer to do that. That is
great to.
8) Connect the feet to the frame for
painting. I started using yellow paint
and found out that the bar codes and writing on the PVC pipes showed
through. I realized that I was going to
have to use more paint for 3 coats. So I
switched to red paint. I chose red,
because I knew it would cover up the red writing on the PVC pipes. The bar codes still showed through a bit, but
it was not that bad.
9) While the paint is drying, you can make the Paper Airplane Target Poster. First placed a mark that is 3 inches from the
side and 3/4 inch from the end of the poster board. Then make a hole where the mark is with a
paper hole punch.
10) Repeat this for all the corners of the poster board.
- Cut a 3 inch piece of duct tape.
12) Place half of the duct tape over the hole punch and then wrap the other
half around the poster board onto the other side.
13) Cut out another hole through the duct tape with the hole punch
where you made the previous holes. Note: The hole punch worked fine going
through the yellow duct tape. However, I
am unsure if with gray duct tape it may
be more difficult to punch out the hole.
You may need to use the end of some sharp scissors to reopen the hole.
14) Then take a dinner plate, a
lunch plate and a dessert plate and place them down on the poster board. Draw around them with a pencil.
15)With the scissors cut out the circles.
16) With a black marker, write down the points earn when flying a
paper airplane through each hole.
17) Tie the Airplane Poster Target onto the PVC frame.
18) Now you are ready to play. Make some paper airplanes and try to fly them
though the holes.
Tip: To keep the PVC frame from blowing away if
you are using it outside, place a bag of beans over one or two of the feet.
REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO OR THAT CAN BE PASSED OFF - These are the updated requirements - November2016
Tiger Elective Adventure Earning Your
Stripes - Requirement 5
Play a game with your den. Then discuss how your den played politely.
Tiger Elective Adventure Tiger-iffic! - Requirement 5
With other members of your den, invent a game, OR change the rules
of a game you know, and play the game.
Tiger Elective Adventure Tiger Tag - Requirement 3
Have your den choose a team or relay game that everyone can play,
and play it at least twice. (This Airplane Target can be used in a relay game)
Wolf Required Adventure Running with the
Pack - Requirement 4
Play a sport or game with your den or family, and show good
Wolf Elective Adventure Air of the Wolf -
Requirement 1a
Make a paper airplane and fly it five times. Try to make it fly
farther by altering its shape. Fly it at
least five more times to see if your changes were effective.
Wolf Elective Adventure Code of the Wolf - Requirement 1c
Do five activities at home, at school, or in your den that use
mathematics, and then explain to your den how you used everyday math.
Wolf Elective Adventure Paws of Skill - Requirement 6
With your den, talk about sportsmanship and what it means to be a
good sport while playing a game or a sport. Share with your den how you were a
good sport or demonstrated good sportsmanship in requirement 4.
Wolf Elective Adventure Motor Away - Requirement 1a
Create and fly three different types of paper airplanes. Before
launching them, record which one you believe will travel the farthest and what
property of the plane leads you to make that prediction.
Wolf Elective Adventure Motor Away - Requirement 1b
Make a paper airplane catapult.
Before launching a plane, record how far you believe it will travel and
explain what information you used to make this prediction. After you make your prediction, launch the
plane and measure how far it flies.
Bear Elective Adventure Grin and Bear It - Requirement 1
Play a challenge game or initiative game with the members of your
den. Take part in a reflection after the
Bear Elective Adventure Grin and Bear It - Requirement 2
Working with the members of your den, organize a Cub Scout carnival
and lead it at a special event.
Bear Elective Adventure Grin and Bear It - Requirement 3
Help younger Cub Scouts take
part in one of the events at the Cub Scout carnival.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Game Design - Requirement 4
Teach an adult or another Scout how to play your game.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Sportsman - Requirement 3a
Explain what good sportsmanship means.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Sportsman - Requirement 3b
Role-play a situation that demonstrates good sportsmanship.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Sportsman - Requirement 3b
Give an example of a time when you experienced or saw someone
showing good sportsmanship.
Meeting Opening Ceremony Idea
is" & "Outdoor Code"
The ceremony was taken from August 2018's
pack meeting plans. Here is the
Duct Tape Cushion
This cushion is nice for sitting around a campfire
on the ground or participating in a simple Reader's Theater or going to a
library or to change things up and use them for a pack meeting. (While the parents are sitting in the chairs,
the boys can be sitting on their cushions up front).
*Note: Working with Duct Tape is fun, but it would be a
good idea to have adults help the cub scouts stretch and hold the tape
throughout this project. Also, when
making the bag, I used a table that had a surface (Formica) which allowed me to stick and
lift the Duct Tape on and off. It would be a good idea to test your table top
surface to see if it is forgiving to Duct Tape or not before doing the project.
Materials: 1 bag that has a
handle like the picture on top. These
bags are a little more sturdy than the plastic grocery bags, 40-50 plastic
grocery bags, gray Duct Tape, red Duct Tape (optional), Measuring stick, black
marker, wax paper and scissors.
1) Using the T-square ruler, draw a straight line across the top of
the sturdy plastic bag.
2) Cut off the top with the handle.
(With the bag I was using , it was a little long, so I cut off more of
the top. With some bags, you would want
to cut right below the handle.)
3) Completely tape the sides except the 'Opening side. Then tape
half of the "opening side." (To tape, follow the instructions
starting with Step # 4 to step 9)
Cut a piece of Duct Tape a little longer than the side of the plastic bag you
are taping. Place half of the tape, length-wise, on top of the plastic bag with
the ends of the tape extending past the sides of the bag.
5) Turn the bag over and with scissors, cut down the middle of one of the Duct Tape Ends to the bag. Repeat on the other end of the tape.
Fold in the top Duct Tape Tab onto the bag. - see picture above.
7) Make a slant cut on the Duct Tape Tab that is left as shown in the picture.
8) Fold the Duct Tape, length-wise, onto the bag.
9) Turn the bag over and fold the left-over Duct Tape tabs on both ends over
the bag.
10) TO MAKE THE HANDLE, cut a piece of Duct Tape 14inches long.
11) Then with a black marker, place a dot in the middle of the tape 3 inches
from both sides.
Put a piece of wax paper, wax side facing the sticky side of the tape, on both
ends right up to the black marker dot.
Cut down the middle from the end of the tape to the dot on both ends.
Fold the Duct Tape in half length-wise so the sticky part is facing inward.
With a black marker, mark the points dividing the bottom side of the bag into thirds.
Take one of the pieces of wax paper off of the handle and place this strip of
the duct tape under the bag at one of the black marker dots you made. Place the
strip all the way up to the 'Duct Tape crotch'.
(In the picture above you are not able to see this strip of duct tape
because it is under the bag. What you
are seeing is the other strip of duct tape with it's wax paper still on lying
up over the handle).
Then take the wax paper off of the other strip and adhere it to the bag as show
in the picture. Repeat for the other
side of the handle. (This now becomes the top of the bag/cushion).
Begin to tape layers of Duct Tape around the bag. When you have completely gone
around the bag once, cut the tape and start a new layer.
Skip over a layer to go back later and cover with Red Duct Tape for
decoration. (This is optional)
20) Tape layers until you cover the bag except for the small opening at the bottom.
Stuff the bag with grocery bags. I used
45 grocery bags for my cushion which is 12" x 14".
21) Duct tape the opening closed.
When done, clean the sticky residue from the tape off your scissors with Goof
Wooden Rank Signs
Used to designate a place to display the Cub Scout's crafts or projects on
a table at Pack Meetings.
*Note 1: Instructions for the Base of these craft signs can
be found by going to the blog archive section of this blog (Left-hand side) and
clicking on the triangular arrow for June 2015. Then scroll down until you see
the title, "Flag Block for Table Top Small Flags". Note: For the Wooden Craft Signs, make the hole in
the base with a 5/8" drill bit.
*Note 2:
I chose to wood burn the Cub Scout Rank pictures onto the signs, but you could
also paint or Modge Podge them on as well.
Materials: Take a 2x6 board
and make four cuts at 5 1/2" each.
This will make 4 squared blocks (You will only need 3 if your pack does
not include Tigers). (A 2x6 board is not exactly 2 by 6. It is more like 1-1/2" by 5-1/2 inches),
2 dowels 4ft x 5/8" diameter, 100 grit sand paper, 400 grit sand paper, a
copy of the cub scout signs, painters tape, pencil, wood burning tool, metal
sheet to wood burn on (I used an old cookie sheet), a light colored stain,
clear finish of your choice, brushes to use for the clear finish, rag for
staining, plastic gloves to protect hands when staining, 1 to 2 plastic trash
bags, newspaper, small electric belt sander or sand paper, drill press, 5/8"
drill bit.
1) Cut your dowels in half so that you have 4 dowels 20" in
length. (You only need 3 if your pack does not include Tigers).
2) Drill a hole using a drill press and a 5/8" drill bit into
one corner of each wooden block.
3) Sand your wooden sign blocks using 100 grit sand paper first and
then 400 grit sand paper last.
4) Sand both around the ends of the dowels so they will be able to fit inside
the holes you made for the block signs as well as the wooden bases.
5) Make a copy of the Cub Scout signs by
clicking here:
6) Cut
the pictures apart. Then tape them to a
window with the picture facing towards the window. This will allow you to see the picture on the
back side of the paper. Using a pencil scribble over the lines of the picture
on the back side of the paper.
7) Place one of the pieces of paper
on top of one of the wooden blocks with the picture facing up. Tape it down.
Then with a pencil, press
somewhat hard and draw over the lines of the picture. Be careful to not press
too hard when over the hole in the block.
8) To check how well the picture is transferring to the wood, carefully lift up
the paper from one side with another side still taped to the wood. If you need to re-draw an area, then replace
the paper and draw over that area again.
9) When you are done, it should look
like this.
10) Working on a metal sheet or old cookie sheet, Wood burn over the lines you
11) First put down some plastic bags and then some news paper over
that to cover the floor before staining.
Then using a light colored stain, stain all the wooden block signs and
the dowels. Let it dry at least one day.
12) After waiting a day, then bush on a clear finish. After waiting another day for the first coat
of the clear finish to dry, brush on a second coat. When this dries you are
REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO OR THAT CAN BE PASSED OFF - These are the updated requirements - November2016
Note: There are a ton of requirements in
which the Cub Scouts have art or projects they could display using these Wooden
Craft Signs.
Bear Required Adventure Baloo the
Builder - Requirement 1
Discover which hand tools are the
best ones to have in your toolbox. Learn
the rules for using these tools safely. Practice
with at least four of these tools before beginning a project.
Bear Required Adventure Baloo the Builder - Requirement 2
Select, plan, and define the materials for the project you will
complete in requirement 3.
Bear Required Adventure Baloo the Builder - Requirement 3
Assemble your materials, and build one useful project and one fun
project using wood.
Bear Required Adventure Baloo the Builder -
Requirement 4
Apply a finish to one of your projects.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Build It -
Requirement 1
Learn about some basic tools and the proper use of each tool. Learn about and understand the need for
safety when you work with tools.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Build It - Requirement 2
With the guidance of your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian, select
a carpentry project and build it.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Build It - Requirement 3
List the tools that you use safely as you build your project; create
a list of materials needed to build your project. Put a checkmark next to the tools on your
list that you used for the first time.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Art Explosion
- Requirement 4
Choose one of the following methods to show your artwork: A. Create
a hard-copy or digital portfolio of your projects. Share it with your family or members of your
den or pack., B. Display your artwork in a pack, school, or community art show.
Webelos Cross Over Bridge
Note: My dimensions are based upon the boards used
for the steps being exactly 2x12x10. The
actual width of these boards is less. If
you want your steps to fit exactly on each level of the Webelos Cross Over
Bridge, you will need to recalculate all the dimensions based upon the ACTUAL width
of the 2x12x10 boards. The dimensions
used in these instructions are fine as long as the person leading the ceremony
explains to those helping assemble the bridge, to place each step right at the edge
of each rise on the Cross Over Bridge.
Materials: Either a Drill Press or
a Hand Drill (A Drill Press will help ensure those 90 degree angles needed, but
a Hand Drill is fine if you have a steady hand.), Two 2x12x10ft board (From
this you will need five 3ft boards), One 4x4x12ft board & One 4x4x10ft
board (From these you will need two 5ft long boards, two 3ft long boards, and
two 1 ft long boards. I had these cut at
Home Depot), Spray paint in the colors of scout-green, red, blue, gold (The
color shown in the picture was not bright enough, so I ended up using a more mustard
color for gold), stain of your choice, Clear Finish of your choice (optional), 2
large plastic trash bags, Black Marker, Pencil, 6 to 8 Sheets of 100 grit sand paper, 2 to 4
sheets of 400 grit sand paper, Gloves to protect hands from splinters (not
shown in picture), measuring tape, painters blue tape, news paper, cloth (for
wiping off the saw dust), cloth for staining, Eight 1/4"x 5-1/2"
screws, 1/2" socket and socket wrench to drive in screws, 5/8" Screw Bit
(long enough to go through one 4x4 and part way through another), 3/4" Spade
Screw Bit.
1) After coming home from the Home fix-it store where they cut the
wood for me, roughly stack and assemble the Webelos Bridge to make sure all pieces are
going to fit together.
2) Using the 100 grit first and then the 400 grit sand paper, Sand
all the boards. If you as the leader is doing
this project by yourself, you may want to get an electric sander. It will go much faster. If you are involving the Webelos, assign a
board for each boy to sand. Be sure to
use gloves. I found that the gloves
prevented many splinters from penetrating my hands.
3) Stack the bridge's side boards on top
of each other using measuring tape to give you 12" on each side of the next-level
board and then draw a line with a pencil along the bottom of each rise. This
pencil line will help you reassemble the boards after staining. (Although
looking back on it, it may be easier to stain and put a clear finish on all the
SIDE-boards FIRST before drilling the holes so that you will not have to keep
track of how the boards fit together through the process of making this bridge.-
But I will continue with the steps I took).
4) On one of the 4x4's that is 3ft long, measure and mark a dot that
is 4 inches from an end and 1 &
3/4" from a side. Repeat this for
the other end of the 3ft 4x4. Then repeat for the second 3ft 4x4.
5) On one of the 4x4's that is 1ft long, measure and mark a dot that
is 2 inches from an end and 1 &
3/4" from a side. Repeat this for
the other end of the 1ft 4x4. Then repeat for the second 1ft 4x4.
6) Just to get an idea of how deep to drill the pilot hole, place
one of the 1/4" x 5-1/2" screws along the side of the stacked
side-boards and mark the depth on the side with a pencil.
7) Use either a Hand Drill or a Drill Press. The Drill Press will make sure you drill at a
90 degree angle. If you use a hand
drill, just make sure you have a steady hand and do your best to drill at a 90
degree angle. Drill the pilot holes
where you place your marks on all the 4x4s.
8) Using a 3/4 " SPADE Drill Bit, drill a depression hole for
the head of the screws to sit in.
9) All throughout this project I used painters tape to label the boards
so that when assembling them after staining I could stack them so all the pilot
holes line up.
FOR STAINING, I placed labels on the table and put all the "A-s" at
the same end of the table to keep them straight.
Before staining cover your surface with the two plastic trash bags. The rocks you see in the pictures are just to hold down the plastic so the wind could not blow it over and on top of the wood after staining.
10) Stain the boards. To get inside the depression holes, use a
stick with one end wrapped in cloth.
11) Before spray painting, place some newspaper down first for
ground cover. Then either find some
rocks or boards to place underneath 4 of the step-boards before spray painting.
After the first side dries, turn them over and painted the other side. Finally give each step-board a 2nd coat.
12) After waiting for all your boards to dry at least one day or
more, it is time to screw the side boards together. First using a 1/2"
socket with a socket wrench, screw the 2 screws into one of the 4x4 posts until
they are peaking on the other side. Then
fit them into the holes of the next 4x4 post below. Continue screwing until the heads of the
screws are sitting inside the depression holes on top.
1) Before your pack meeting, mark the floor with some tape as a
guide for everyone who is going to help assemble the bridge during the ceremony.
You do this by slightly assembling the bridge before the meeting and putting
tape around the ends. After finishing
this preparatory step, be sure to stack the boards to one side, ready to use in
the ceremony. See pictures above.
2) During the ceremony, when you have everyone place their
step-board down direct them to place the step at the edge of each rise.
Click Here for the Crossover Ceremony,
"Scouting Trail":
This ceremony is from the Cub Scout Roundtable Guide 2011-2012; page 39. (Mentioned is a simpler Webelos Cross Over
Bridge to make. They suggest just using
two 4x4s about 5ft long and then placing all the planks across it. You could do this if you do not want to make
steps for the Webelos Cross Over Bridge).
REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO OR THAT CAN BE PASSED OFF - These are the updated requirements - November2016
Bear Required Adventure Baloo the
Builder - Requirement 1
Discover which hand tools are the
best ones to have in your toolbox. Learn
the rules for using these tools safely. Practice
with at least four of these tools before beginning a project.
Bear Required Adventure Baloo the Builder - Requirement 2
Select, plan, and define the materials for the project you will
complete in requirement 3.
Bear Required Adventure Baloo the Builder - Requirement 3
Assemble your materials, and build one useful project and one fun
project using wood.
Bear Required Adventure Baloo the Builder - Requirement 4
Apply a finish to one of your projects.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Build It -
Requirement 1
Learn about some basic tools and the proper use of each tool. Learn about and understand the need for
safety when you work with tools.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Build It - Requirement 2
With the guidance of your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian,
select a carpentry project and build it.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Build It - Requirement 3
List the tools that you use safely as you build your project; create
a list of materials needed to build your project. Put a checkmark next to the tools on your
list that you used for the first time.
Cheers / Run-ons
Fireworks Cheer: Look up at the ceiling and point. Then say "OOOOO!"
Relay Clap: First person claps second person's
hand and then relay it on through the row of people.
Tree Cheer:
Everyone raises their arms above their heads and waves them back and forth at
different speeds dictated by the cheer.
GENTLE BREEZE (slow and easy)
STEADY RUSH (faster)
BIG GUST (jerking motion to one side)
Opening Brain Teaser
"You'll find pill bugs living in moist humid places
with lots of vegetation, because that's what they feed on. They are decomposers
and herbivores that eat mostly decaying plant matter. This is why you find them
under leaves, rocks, and logs. They are not considered major agricultural
pests, and their lack of fangs, stingers, or barbs makes them perfect for
showing kids and handling."
The Infinite Spider A Science and Nature Blog for Naturalists and
Educators;The Secret Life of Pill Bugs; November 10, 2013;