Thursday, November 7, 2013

Respect/Passport to Other Lands

Core Value: Respect
Theme:Passport to Other Lands

December Pack Resource Sheet (starts on p. 84)

December Pack Meeting Plans: “Respect” AND “Passport to Other Lands”   

Gathering Activity
Paper Snowflakes

Put out supplies for making paper snowflakes. Hang the snowflakes around the room. No two
snowflakes are alike, and each is one of the most beautiful objects formed by nature. Like snowflakes, we are all different and unique and wonderful! We must show respect for our differences and celebrate the beauty in them.

Opening Ceremony

Props: Cue cards with the Scouts’ lines printed on the back. It can also be useful to display a world map showing which countries have Scouting organizations. On the front of the cue cards you could have the foreign word to be said by the Cub Scout, a picture from the country, or a map of the country showing where the country is located. Go to to see the list of all 161 countries participating in the World Brotherhood of Scouting. Go to for a more complete list of how to say and pronounce “Hello” in various languages. Note: If you look up the words for “Good Bye,” you could do this as a closing.

Announcer: Welcome to our meeting. There are 161 countries in the World Brotherhood of Scouting,
as shown on our map. There are many languages spoken in those countries but you can always hear a
Scout greeting you.

Spanish: Hola (OH-lah)

French: Bonjour (bohn-ZHOOR)

German: Guten Tag (GOOT-en Tahg)

Mandarin: Ni hao (nee-HOW)

Russian: Zdravstvuite (ZzDrast-vet- yah)

Mohawk: Sekoh (SEH-goh)

Swahili: Jambo (JAM-bo)

Arabic: Al salaam a’alaykum (AHL sah-LAHM-ah ah-LAY-koom)

Hindi: Nahmaste (nah-mah-STAY)

Hebrew: Shalom (Sha-LOHM)

Hawaiian: Aloha (ah-LOW-ha)

Announcer: No matter where you go or how you say it, you can count on being greeted by a Scout who says “Hello.”

Training Topic
World Friendship Fund


February is a good time to ask pack families to donate to the World Friendship Fund of the Boy Scouts of America, which assists developing nations in providing Scouting to their youth. Leaders will benefit from an interchange around the topic of the World Friendship Fund. Encourage leaders to contact the local council service center to request informational brochures.

Presentation outline:

Opening question: What is the World Friendship Fund? Has anyone made a collection in their unit?
(Allow time for responses and sharing.) Share basic information about the World Friendship Fund:

History: The World Friendship Fund was developed during the last days of World War II. At that time, there was a great need to rebuild Scouting in the nations that had been wracked by war and
were just emerging from the shadows of totalitarianism. Since the inception of the World Friendship
Fund, American Scouts and leaders have voluntarily donated more than $11 million to selfhelp
activities for Scouts.

Continuing question: How do you use the World Friendship Fund in the den and pack program?
Suggestions may include conducting a collection at a pack event or creating a project to use in the
collection (displays or a decorated hat or sock). Briefly discuss various fundraising options, such as
recycling or adult/boy cake-bake auctions, and ways to keep boys involved.

Service project: Remind leaders that there may be service tie-ins, as unit participation in the World
Friendship Fund offers a unique annual service project to benefit Scouts around the world.


• Information may be found online at

Brochures, posters and labels are available through the local council service center. A DVD is also
available to present.

• The Cub Scout Leader Book has additional information about the World Friendship Fund.

• As time is available, an introduction to Messengers of Peace, available online at
messengersofpeace.aspx, would be a good additional topic.

Commissioner’s Minute

When people travel to foreign countries, they ask their governments to issue them a passport. A
passport is a little booklet with your name and picture in it, along with several blank pages on which
foreign border officials stamp the seals of their countries when you enter. You can’t go into another
country without your passport.

Did you know that every Scout already has a passport? It’s not a little booklet but a small purple patch that we wear on our uniforms, called the World Crest. The World Crest is a symbol of brotherhood and good will the world over. When you wear the World Crest on your Cub Scout uniform, you remind yourself that you are a part of an organization that includes, but also goes far beyond, your own home nation.

The World Crest also reminds us that human beings should be respected and valued regardless of their race, color, creed, or place of origin. You’ll still need a paper passport to visit foreign lands, but the World Crest allows Cub Scouts to think of every person as their neighbor and friend.


World Brotherhood (Split audience into two parts. Assign one “world” and the other “brotherhood.”
Have them yell it as you point to them. Go faster and faster. At a signal, they all yell, “That’s Scouting spirit!”)

Snowflake (Each audience member points to another person and says, “You are one of a kind!”)

Leaning Tower of Pisa (Have the group stand and, on the count of three, lean to the left.)

Christmas Bells (The leader pretends to hold a bell rope. Have the left side of the audience say "DING" on the down stroke and have the right side of the audience say "DONG" on the upstroke. Repeat three times.)

Snowball (Reach down and pick up some imaginary snow, and pack it into a ball. Pull arm back, throw, and yell, "Splaaaatttt!")

Audience Participation Activity

Christmas was almost here, and Mother RIGHT was finishing the Christmas baking. Father RIGHT, Susan RIGHT, and Billy RIGHT returned from their last minute Christmas errands. “There’s not much LEFT to be done,” said Father RIGHT, as he came into the kitchen. “Did you leave the basket of food at church?” asked Mother RIGHT. “I LEFT it RIGHT where you told me to,” said Father RIGHT. “I’m glad my shopping is done,” said Billy RIGHT, “I don’t have any money LEFT.” The hall telephone rang, and Susan RIGHT LEFT to answer it. She rushed back and told the family, “Aunt Tillie RIGHT LEFT a package for us RIGHT on Grandma RIGHT’S porch.” “I’ll go over there RIGHT now and get it,” she said as she LEFT in a rush. Father RIGHT LEFT the kitchen and brought in the Christmas tree. By the time Susan RIGHT returned, Mother RIGHT, father RIGHT and Billy RIGHT had begun to trim this year’s family RIGHT’S Christmas tree. The entire RIGHT family sang carols as they finished the decorating. Then they LEFT all the presents arranged under the tree and went RIGHT up to bed, hoping they had LEFT all the gifts in the RIGHT place and had selected the RIGHT gift for each member of the RIGHT family. Now I hope you have the RIGHT present for yourself, because that’s all that’s LEFT of our story, except to wish you a Merry Christmas. Isn’t that RIGHT?

Webelos Morning Break Out Session Resources:

Cub Scout Roundtable Title
Roundtable Nov 2013
Joint Webelos Scout and Boy Scout Activities
First Aid Contest
Happy Scout Picture
Readyman Quiz
Webelos Art Construction

Webelos Evening Break Out Sessions Resources:

Joint Webelos Scout and Boy Scout Activities
Readyman Quiz for Baseball

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Citizenship/Your Vote Counts

Core Value: Citizenship
Theme: Your Vote Counts


Adult Leader Training

Gathering Activity
“America Is Special” Chain

Have strips of red, white and blue construction paper 1 inch by 8 ½ inches. As Cub Scouts and parents arrive, have them take a strip of paper and write on it what makes America special to them. Then make a paper chain with the strips. Use the chain to decorate the awards table.

Opening Ceremony
“The Rights of Americans”

Materials: Narrator and 10 Cub Scouts, each with a poster with their words on the back and an appropriate picture (they could draw the pictures themselves) on the front.


As we begin tonight, let’s talk about our rights and freedoms. Our nation has remained strong and free because our government is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Each of us has an obligation to do all that we can to preserve the freedoms for which thousands of our ancestors have died. Here are the freedoms guaranteed to us in our Constitution.

Cub Scout 1:

The right to worship God in one’s own personal way.

Cub Scout 2:

The right to free speech and press.

Cub Scout 3:

The right to assemble peaceably.

Cub Scout 4:

The right to petition for a redress of grievances.

Cub Scout 5:

The right to privacy in our homes.

Cub Scout 6:

The right to protection against illegal imprisonment and the freedom from excessive bail.

Cub Scout 7:

The right to trial by jury. A person is innocent until proved guilty.

Cub Scout 8:

The right to move about freely at home and to travel abroad.

Cub Scout 9:

The right to own property.

Cub Scout 10:

The right to a free election and a personal secret ballot.


Maintaining our freedoms is the responsibility of every American. Keep your freedom. Vote as you think, but vote.

Training Topic
“Why Uniforming?”

Suggested discussion questions:

1. Why is a Scout uniform worn? Why is it important?

• Scouts and adults alike should take pride in belonging to this program and wear the uniform correctly.

Some ideas to be covered and included in the discussion:

• Gives a Scout visibility

• Creates a level of identity within both the unit and the community

• Promotes equality while showing individual achievement

2. What are some of the differences in the various Scouting programs’ uniforms?

Some ideas to be covered and included in the discussion:

• Vary in color and detail to identify the different membership divisions of Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Venturing

• Field uniform and activity uniform (Scouting-related T-shirt and Scout pants) are often referred to as “Class A” and “Class B” uniforms, though that terminology is not used in any official BSA publications and is not correct. It would be better to call them field and activity uniforms, following
BSA terminology. Troops and packs are free to create their own activity shirts.

3. What is the official uniform for youth and adults?

Some ideas to be covered and included in the discussion:

• Official Scout uniform consists of shirt, pants, belt, and socks.

• A neckerchief and hat are optional.

• Units may have different uniform expectations, such as requiring that Scouts are consistently uniformed for meetings and outings. The Scout uniform is not a mandatory part of Scouting, and a Scout should not be prohibited from participating just because he does not have a uniform (or a
complete uniform).

4. What are the correct positions for insignia and awards?

Some ideas to be covered and included in the discussion:

• Refer to the insignia guide or uniform inspection sheets.

• Encourage units to supply parents/leaders with these resources to avoid incorrect insignia placement.

5. What are some ideas for those awards, patches, etc., not worn on the uniform?

Some ideas to be covered and included in the discussion:

• Every badge, patch, and pin has some memory of a fun time had with other boys.

• Take pride in awards and achievements earned, and display them where other boys can see them.

• Suggestions: framed shadow boxes, blankets, vests

6. Where can BSA literature, uniforms, and other program materials be purchased? How can families save money on the cost of uniforms and equipment?

• A Cub Scout pack may provide assistance to families.

• A uniform exchange, uniform bank, or fundraisers may enable to boys to earn their uniforms.

• Some packs award boys rank-specific uniform components (hat and neckerchief) and/or the program books that the Cub Scout needs each year. Parents should inquire as to what the pack provides, or ways boys can earn necessary

items, before purchasing the items themselves.


• Uniform Inspection Sheet,

• Guide to Awards and Insignia,



Audience Participation Activity
Skit:“The Important Meeting”

Materials: Six to eight players sit around a table scattered with papers, a couple of water glasses, etc. They mime a discussion, some jotting down notes, etc. Enter the narrator, outfitted as news reporter.

Action: In confidential tones, the reporter says, “This is an important meeting—top congressional leaders are here to make some very important decisions.” As the reporter says something like, “Let’s see if we can get a bit closer to hear how things are going,” the group at the table adds some mumbling and unintelligible arguing to their mime.

Occasionally, they punctuate the din with outbursts such as, “No, no!”; “I disagree!”; “That’s better”; “No way!”; “That might work,” and the like. Finally, the hubbub dies, and the group settles back.

One member stands and announces: “Then it’s decided: a 12-slice pizza with olives, mushrooms, lots of cheese, but hold the pepperoni.”

All: Agreed!


“This nation was founded by men of many nations and backgrounds. It was founded on the principle
that all men are created equal, and that the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one
man are threatened.”—John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his own weight.”—Theodore Roosevelt

“There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship.”—Ralph Nader


Constitution: We the People, APPROVE!
George Washington: I cannot tell a lie. That was great!

Abe Lincoln: “That was great—honestly!”

America: Spell “AMERICA” rapidly three times. Shout “Cub Scouts” twice. Yell “U-S-A” once.

Commissioner’s Minute
Song: “God Bless America”

(By Irving Berlin. Original, 1918; Revised, 1938.)

Spoken introduction:

While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,

Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free,

Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,

As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.

Everybody sing:

God bless America, land that I love;

Stand beside her, and guide her,

Through the night with the light from above.

From the mountains, to the prairies,

To the ocean white with foam;

God bless America, my home sweet home.

God bless America, my home sweet home.

This song would be great for our Cub Scouts to learn for several reasons. Why is that?

First, it is being lost as our children cannot sing it in school because it mentions God.

Second, in 1940, Irving Berlin established the God Bless America Foundation, directing that all royalties from its performance earned by either Berlin or singer Kate Smith go to the Boy and
Girl Scouts of America. That arrangement exists to this day. These organizations were chosen, to quote the contract, because “the completely nonsectarian work of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts is calculated to best promote unity of mind and patriotism, two sentiments that are inherent in the song itself.”

Here is a link to the Webelos Handout for the October evening break out session.

October Webelos Break Out