For March's Round Table We Shared Ideas For
April's Scout Law Point: Thrifty
April's Theme: Power up!
April's Interest Topic: Aqua Cubs
Brain Teaser - This would be a great thing to write on the chalk or
white board for boys and parents to have something to think about while they
wait for everyone to arrive at a Pack or Den Meeting. (An idea you could use would be to reward the
cub scouts a piece of candy if they get it right).
There's a pattern to the three numbered
boxes below. Can you find the missing number in the third box?
*Answer is at the end of this section. (scroll down)
(Brain Teaser taken from: The Little Black Book of Mindbenders by John Samson and Elsie Samson; pg. 82)
*Answer is at the end of this section. (scroll down)
(Brain Teaser taken from: The Little Black Book of Mindbenders by John Samson and Elsie Samson; pg. 82)
Identifying Boats
Materials: Display pictures of 5 different types of boats and see if anyone can name them. (If you feel it is needed, write a list of the names of the boats nearby as clues).
POSSIBLE REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO OR THAT CAN BE PASSED OFF(These requirements were taken from the November 2016 updated ones)
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 1
With your den, say the SCOUT water safety chant.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 2
With your den, talk about why it's important to have a buddy and then play the buddy game.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 5
Identify five different types of boats.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 6
Build a boat from recycled materials, and float it on the water.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 7
Show that you can put on and fasten a life jacket correctly.
Wolf Elective Adventure Spirit of Water - Requirement 4
Explain the safety rules that you need to follow before participating in swimming or boating.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 3
Explain the safety rules that you need to follow before participating in boating.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 4
Identify the safety equipment needed when going boating.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 5
Visit Demonstrate correct rowing or paddling form. Explain how rowing and canoeing are good exercise.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 6
Show how to do both a reach rescue and a throw rescue.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 1
State the safety precautions you need to take before doing any water activity.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 2
Discuss the importance of learning the skills you need to know before going boating.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 3
Explain the meaning of "order of rescue" and demonstrate the reach and throw rescue techniques from land.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 9
If you are a qualified swimmer, select a paddle of the proper size, and paddle a canoe with an adult's supervision.
Identifying Boats
Materials: Display pictures of 5 different types of boats and see if anyone can name them. (If you feel it is needed, write a list of the names of the boats nearby as clues).
POSSIBLE REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO OR THAT CAN BE PASSED OFF(These requirements were taken from the November 2016 updated ones)
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 1
With your den, say the SCOUT water safety chant.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 2
With your den, talk about why it's important to have a buddy and then play the buddy game.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 5
Identify five different types of boats.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 6
Build a boat from recycled materials, and float it on the water.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 7
Show that you can put on and fasten a life jacket correctly.
Wolf Elective Adventure Spirit of Water - Requirement 4
Explain the safety rules that you need to follow before participating in swimming or boating.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 3
Explain the safety rules that you need to follow before participating in boating.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 4
Identify the safety equipment needed when going boating.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 5
Visit Demonstrate correct rowing or paddling form. Explain how rowing and canoeing are good exercise.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 6
Show how to do both a reach rescue and a throw rescue.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 1
State the safety precautions you need to take before doing any water activity.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 2
Discuss the importance of learning the skills you need to know before going boating.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 3
Explain the meaning of "order of rescue" and demonstrate the reach and throw rescue techniques from land.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 9
If you are a qualified swimmer, select a paddle of the proper size, and paddle a canoe with an adult's supervision.
Ceremony Idea
Materials: Large cards with a picture on one side and the words to say on the back side.
Materials: Large cards with a picture on one side and the words to say on the back side.
CUBMASTER: Summer is a time for day camp,
picnics, hiking, swimming and playing games outside. It is also a time for bumps, bruises,
scrapes, sunburn and bug bites. With a
little preparation, you can be prepared for anything summer has in store.
When headed out for a day of summer
adventure, always remember to bring along your Cub Scout Six Essentials:
CUB SCOUT 1: Filled water bottle - to prevent dehydration, heat exhaustion, and
CUB SCOUT 2: First-aid kit - a lifesaver, literally.
CUB SCOUT 3: Flashlight - for finding your way in the dark.
CUB SCOUT 3: Flashlight - for finding your way in the dark.
CUB SCOUT 4: Sun protection - includes sunblock, sunglasses, lip balm, a
wide-brimmed hat, and sup-protective clothing
CUB SCOUT 5: Trail food - good for maintaining your energy.
CUB SCOUT 6: Whistle - to signal for help, if needed.
CUBMASTER: Let us remember the land we live in gives us the freedom to enjoy being outdoors. Please stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance with me.
CUBMASTER: Let us remember the land we live in gives us the freedom to enjoy being outdoors. Please stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance with me.
2015-2016 Cub Scout Roundtable Planning
Guide; page 112
RELATED TO OR THAT CAN BE PASSED OFF(These requirements were taken from the
November 2016 updated ones)
Tiger Required Adventure My Tiger Jungle - Requirement 1
With your parent/guardian or other caring adult (referred to in the handbook as "your adult partner"), go for a walk outside, and pick out two or more sights or sounds of "nature" around you. Discuss with your partner or den.
Tiger Required Adventure My Tiger Jungle - Requirement 1
With your parent/guardian or other caring adult (referred to in the handbook as "your adult partner"), go for a walk outside, and pick out two or more sights or sounds of "nature" around you. Discuss with your partner or den.
Tiger Required
Adventure My Tiger Jungle - Requirement 2
Take a 1-foot hike. Make a list of the living things you find on your 1-foot hike. Discuss these plants or animals with your parent/guardian, other caring adult, or your den.
Tiger Required Adventure Tigers in the Wild - Requirement 1
With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, name and collect the Cub Scout Six Essentials you need for a hike. Tell your den leader what you would need to add to your list to prepare for rain.
Tiger Required Adventure Tigers in the Wild - Requirement 2
Go for a short hike with your den or family, and carry your own gear. Show you know how to get ready for this hike.
Wolf Required Adventure Call of the Wild - Requirement 1a,1b,1c,1d
Attend one of the following: 1A. A pack or family campout. 1B. An outdoor activity with your den or pack. 1C. Day camp. 1D. Resident Camp.
Wolf Required Adventure Paws on the Path - Requirement 1
Show you are prepared to hike safely in any outdoor setting by putting together the Cub Scout Six Essentials to take along on your hike.
Wolf Required Adventure Paws on the Path - Requirement 5
Go on a 1-mile hike with your den or family. Find two interesting things that you've never seen before and discuss with your den or family.
Wolf Elective Adventure Finding Your Way - Requirement 4
Using a map and compass, go on a hike or walk with your den or family.
Bear Required Adventure Bear Necessities - Requirement 1
While working on your Bear badge, attend one of the following: (A) A daytime or overnight campout with your pack or family; (B) An outdoor activity with your den or pack; (C) Day camp; (D) Resident camp.
Bear Required Adventure Bear Necessities - Requirement 2
Make a list of items you should take along on the activity selected in Requirement 1.
Bear Required Adventure Bear Necessities - Requirement 3
Make a list of equipment that the group should bring along in addition to each Scout's personal gear for the activity selected in Requirement 1.
Webelos Required Adventure Webelos Walkabout - Requirement 1
Plan a hike or outdoor activity.
Webelos Required Adventure Webelos Walkabout - Requirement 2
Assemble a first aid kit suitable for your hike or activity.
Webelos Required Adventure Webelos Walkabout - Requirement 4
With your Webelos den or with a family member, hike 3 miles. Before your hike, plan and prepare a nutritious lunch or snack. Enjoy it on your hike, and clean up afterward.
Arrow of Light Required Adventure Outdoorsman - OPTION B Requirement 1
With the help of your den leader or family, plan and participate in an outdoor activity.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Castaway - Requirement 2a
Learn what items should be in an outdoor survival kit that you can carry in a small bag or box in a day pack. Assemble your own small survival kit, and explain to your den leader why the items you chose are important for survival.
Take a 1-foot hike. Make a list of the living things you find on your 1-foot hike. Discuss these plants or animals with your parent/guardian, other caring adult, or your den.
Tiger Required Adventure Tigers in the Wild - Requirement 1
With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, name and collect the Cub Scout Six Essentials you need for a hike. Tell your den leader what you would need to add to your list to prepare for rain.
Tiger Required Adventure Tigers in the Wild - Requirement 2
Go for a short hike with your den or family, and carry your own gear. Show you know how to get ready for this hike.
Wolf Required Adventure Call of the Wild - Requirement 1a,1b,1c,1d
Attend one of the following: 1A. A pack or family campout. 1B. An outdoor activity with your den or pack. 1C. Day camp. 1D. Resident Camp.
Wolf Required Adventure Paws on the Path - Requirement 1
Show you are prepared to hike safely in any outdoor setting by putting together the Cub Scout Six Essentials to take along on your hike.
Wolf Required Adventure Paws on the Path - Requirement 5
Go on a 1-mile hike with your den or family. Find two interesting things that you've never seen before and discuss with your den or family.
Wolf Elective Adventure Finding Your Way - Requirement 4
Using a map and compass, go on a hike or walk with your den or family.
Bear Required Adventure Bear Necessities - Requirement 1
While working on your Bear badge, attend one of the following: (A) A daytime or overnight campout with your pack or family; (B) An outdoor activity with your den or pack; (C) Day camp; (D) Resident camp.
Bear Required Adventure Bear Necessities - Requirement 2
Make a list of items you should take along on the activity selected in Requirement 1.
Bear Required Adventure Bear Necessities - Requirement 3
Make a list of equipment that the group should bring along in addition to each Scout's personal gear for the activity selected in Requirement 1.
Webelos Required Adventure Webelos Walkabout - Requirement 1
Plan a hike or outdoor activity.
Webelos Required Adventure Webelos Walkabout - Requirement 2
Assemble a first aid kit suitable for your hike or activity.
Webelos Required Adventure Webelos Walkabout - Requirement 4
With your Webelos den or with a family member, hike 3 miles. Before your hike, plan and prepare a nutritious lunch or snack. Enjoy it on your hike, and clean up afterward.
Arrow of Light Required Adventure Outdoorsman - OPTION B Requirement 1
With the help of your den leader or family, plan and participate in an outdoor activity.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Castaway - Requirement 2a
Learn what items should be in an outdoor survival kit that you can carry in a small bag or box in a day pack. Assemble your own small survival kit, and explain to your den leader why the items you chose are important for survival.
Light Up
Bow and Arrow Ceremony
This is a great idea received from someone who came to the cub scout round tables. The idea is to attach 1 or 2 glow bracelets to a Nerf arrow. So I went about looking for one and found this bow and arrow set which allows you to flip a switch to turn on the light for the arrow. Some of the bows also light up as well, you just need to make sure that when you purchase it, it says the bow lights up AND the arrow lights up. The name is Air Storm Firetek Blazer Bow. Once the battery runs out on the arrows, you can either purchase more arrows or like in the original idea given to me, attached some glow bracelets to the arrows before shooting them. For the bow, you can just change the battery. *If you use this set, even though the tip is somewhat soft, be sure to clear the area where the arrow will be shot so no one gets hurt.
This is a great idea received from someone who came to the cub scout round tables. The idea is to attach 1 or 2 glow bracelets to a Nerf arrow. So I went about looking for one and found this bow and arrow set which allows you to flip a switch to turn on the light for the arrow. Some of the bows also light up as well, you just need to make sure that when you purchase it, it says the bow lights up AND the arrow lights up. The name is Air Storm Firetek Blazer Bow. Once the battery runs out on the arrows, you can either purchase more arrows or like in the original idea given to me, attached some glow bracelets to the arrows before shooting them. For the bow, you can just change the battery. *If you use this set, even though the tip is somewhat soft, be sure to clear the area where the arrow will be shot so no one gets hurt.
Click here to print out the ceremonial words:
* A good idea would be to have the Speaker dress up in a Indian Chief Costume when telling the story.
* A good idea would be to have the Speaker dress up in a Indian Chief Costume when telling the story.
Bottle Fish
Materials: An empty box (Can be either the White Cheddar Popcorn box that holds the snack size bags or the Cheeze-its box that holds the snack size bags), 3 empty water bottles with lids (The water bottles I used were reinforced around the top and you could see a visible change in the thickness of the plastic from the rest of the water bottle), white, blue & orange spray paint cans, rubbing alcohol, blue, yellow, black, white & green paint, paint brushes, paper towel, glue, 3 sticks (long enough to hold up the bottles when being painted), a copy of the patterns, newspaper, goggle eyes, screw hook, string, scissors, painter's tape, black marker, round wooden dowel 1 foot long and a paper plate.
Fish pattern page 1:
Fish pattern page 2:
Materials: An empty box (Can be either the White Cheddar Popcorn box that holds the snack size bags or the Cheeze-its box that holds the snack size bags), 3 empty water bottles with lids (The water bottles I used were reinforced around the top and you could see a visible change in the thickness of the plastic from the rest of the water bottle), white, blue & orange spray paint cans, rubbing alcohol, blue, yellow, black, white & green paint, paint brushes, paper towel, glue, 3 sticks (long enough to hold up the bottles when being painted), a copy of the patterns, newspaper, goggle eyes, screw hook, string, scissors, painter's tape, black marker, round wooden dowel 1 foot long and a paper plate.
Fish pattern page 1:
Fish pattern page 2:
Put some painter's tape on the back of the patterns as shown.
4) Start by placing the middle top of the pattern where the arrow is pointing up onto the bottle right along the visible line of the reinforced plastic along the top of the bottle. Then match up all the arrows so they are touching each other like in the picture so the pattern wraps around. Take a marker and trace around the pattern except for the top line. Peel off the pattern and draw the top line following the reinforced area of the bottle as your guide.
5) Draw a dot in the middle of the area you are supposed to cut out. Start by making a hole with the scissors. Starting at the hole, cut out the "negative space" or pattern part of the bottle fish. Once the negative space has been cut out, bend back the fins of the fish. (Because the picture for step 6 is hard to see, refer to the pictures for steps 10 and 11 to get an idea of how to fold back the fins).
4) Start by placing the middle top of the pattern where the arrow is pointing up onto the bottle right along the visible line of the reinforced plastic along the top of the bottle. Then match up all the arrows so they are touching each other like in the picture so the pattern wraps around. Take a marker and trace around the pattern except for the top line. Peel off the pattern and draw the top line following the reinforced area of the bottle as your guide.
5) Draw a dot in the middle of the area you are supposed to cut out. Start by making a hole with the scissors. Starting at the hole, cut out the "negative space" or pattern part of the bottle fish. Once the negative space has been cut out, bend back the fins of the fish. (Because the picture for step 6 is hard to see, refer to the pictures for steps 10 and 11 to get an idea of how to fold back the fins).
Put some painter's tape around the lid of the bottles.
7) Spread out your newspaper and hold it down with some rocks so the wind does not blow it away or onto your bottle after you paint it. Then push a stick for each fish you are going to paint, through the newspapers into the ground so it stands up. Place the bottle over it with the lid resting on the top of the stick.
8) Spray paint your fish bottles. Orange is for the clown fish, blue is for the Blue Tang Fish and White is for the Angle fish. (It will take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours for the paint to dry. After you use the spray paint be sure to clean the tips with rubbing alcohol. Pour some rubbing alcohol onto a paper towel and rub this over the tip of the spray can to clean it. - (NOTE: You may want to cut the water bottles and spray paint them for your cub scouts so they can start painting the fish designs on right away).
7) Spread out your newspaper and hold it down with some rocks so the wind does not blow it away or onto your bottle after you paint it. Then push a stick for each fish you are going to paint, through the newspapers into the ground so it stands up. Place the bottle over it with the lid resting on the top of the stick.
8) Spray paint your fish bottles. Orange is for the clown fish, blue is for the Blue Tang Fish and White is for the Angle fish. (It will take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours for the paint to dry. After you use the spray paint be sure to clean the tips with rubbing alcohol. Pour some rubbing alcohol onto a paper towel and rub this over the tip of the spray can to clean it. - (NOTE: You may want to cut the water bottles and spray paint them for your cub scouts so they can start painting the fish designs on right away).
9) While
you are painting the bottle, you can also paint the box. (Be sure all the cardboard flaps are cut off
first. Then turn it upside down. Paint the whole box blue first. Then while the blue paint is still wet, paint
the bottom 1/4th on each side white so that the paint starts to drip. Take a
paper towel and dab at all the drips going around the box. You can also dap the paint here and there on
the blue part to add interest. See
picture. Then when this all dries, you
have the boys each paint a fish or a side of the box depending on how many boys
are in the den.
10) Take off the painter's tape and bottle caps.
10) Take off the painter's tape and bottle caps.
11) Have the boys paint the bottle fish. You can click
here to download a picture to print out of the fish so the boys have something
to look at while they paint their fish:
12) To attach the string to the wooden rod to make a fishing pole, you use the same method as fusing the end of a rope. First apply glue, then make a loop and start wrapping the string around the dowel covering the loop until you have a small portion of the loop left. Thread the long part of the string through the loop. Then take the short end of the string and pull on it so that part of the long string gets pulled in. Once done, either tie a square knot with both ends or cut the short end shorter and then lie and glue it down.
14) Tie both strings together using a double
sheetbend knot.
15) Fill the fish fins with candy or a small toy.
15) Fill the fish fins with candy or a small toy.
16) Have the Bears help the younger cub scouts use
the fishing pole to hook a bottle fish and pull it out of the fish pond
box. Then after they take the candy or
toy out of the fish, have the cub scout return the bottle fish to be refilled
for the next person to "go fishing."
POSSIBLE REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO OR THAT CAN BE PASSED OFF(These requirements were taken from the November 2016 updated ones)
POSSIBLE REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO OR THAT CAN BE PASSED OFF(These requirements were taken from the November 2016 updated ones)
Tiger Elective Adventure Stories in
Shapes - Requirement 3
Create a piece of art on paper, poster board, or canvas. (I think plastic would count to)
Bear Required Adventure Fur, Feathers, and Ferns - Requirement 3
Name one animal that has become extinct in the last 100 years and one animal that is currently endangered. Explain what cause their declines.(Maybe a type of fish)
Bear Elective Adventure Grin and Bear It - Requirement 2
Working with the members of your den, organize a Cub Scout carnival and lead it at a special event. (Have a fish Pond)
Bear Elective Adventure Grin and Bear It - Requirement 3
Help younger Cub Scouts take part in one of the events at the Cub Scout carnival.
Bear Elective Adventure A Bear Goes Fishing - Requirement 1
Discover and learn about three types of fish in your area. Draw a color picture of each fish, record what each one likes to eat, and describe what sort of habitat each likes.
Bear Elective Adventure A Bear Goes Fishing - Requirement 2
Learn about your local fishing regulations with your den leader or a parent or guardian. List three of the regulations you learn about and one reason each regulations exists.
Bear Elective Adventure A Bear Goes Fishing - Requirement 3
Learn about fishing equipment, and make a simple fishing pole. Practice casting at a target.
Bear Elective Adventure A Bear Goes Fishing - Requirement 4
Go on a fishing adventure, and spend a minimum of one hour trying to catch a fish. Put into practice the things you have learned about fish and fishing equipment.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Adventures in Science - Requirement 2
Visit a museum, a college, a laboratory, an observatory, a zoo, an aquarium, or other facility that employs scientists. Prepare three questions ahead of time, and talk to a scientist about his or her work.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Art Explosion - Requirement 3d
Create a freestanding sculpture or mobile using wood, metal, papier-mâché, or found or recycled objects.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Into the Wild - Requirement 2
Set up an aquarium or terrarium. Keep it for at least a month. Share your experience with your Webelos den by showing them photos or drawings of your project or by having them visit to see your project.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Into the Wild - Requirement 5
Watch at least four wild creatures (reptiles, amphibians, arachnids, fish, insects, or mammals) in the wild. Describe the kind of place (forest, field, marsh, yard, or park) where you saw them. Tell what they were doing.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Into the Wild - Requirement 8
Learn about aquatic ecosystems and wetlands in your area. Talk with your Webelos den leader or family about he important role aquatic ecosystems and wetlands play in supporting life cycles of wildlife and humans, and list three ways you can help. (While the cub scouts are making their fish, you could be teaching them about fish. This way their hands are busy while you talk).
Create a piece of art on paper, poster board, or canvas. (I think plastic would count to)
Bear Required Adventure Fur, Feathers, and Ferns - Requirement 3
Name one animal that has become extinct in the last 100 years and one animal that is currently endangered. Explain what cause their declines.(Maybe a type of fish)
Bear Elective Adventure Grin and Bear It - Requirement 2
Working with the members of your den, organize a Cub Scout carnival and lead it at a special event. (Have a fish Pond)
Bear Elective Adventure Grin and Bear It - Requirement 3
Help younger Cub Scouts take part in one of the events at the Cub Scout carnival.
Bear Elective Adventure A Bear Goes Fishing - Requirement 1
Discover and learn about three types of fish in your area. Draw a color picture of each fish, record what each one likes to eat, and describe what sort of habitat each likes.
Bear Elective Adventure A Bear Goes Fishing - Requirement 2
Learn about your local fishing regulations with your den leader or a parent or guardian. List three of the regulations you learn about and one reason each regulations exists.
Bear Elective Adventure A Bear Goes Fishing - Requirement 3
Learn about fishing equipment, and make a simple fishing pole. Practice casting at a target.
Bear Elective Adventure A Bear Goes Fishing - Requirement 4
Go on a fishing adventure, and spend a minimum of one hour trying to catch a fish. Put into practice the things you have learned about fish and fishing equipment.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Adventures in Science - Requirement 2
Visit a museum, a college, a laboratory, an observatory, a zoo, an aquarium, or other facility that employs scientists. Prepare three questions ahead of time, and talk to a scientist about his or her work.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Art Explosion - Requirement 3d
Create a freestanding sculpture or mobile using wood, metal, papier-mâché, or found or recycled objects.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Into the Wild - Requirement 2
Set up an aquarium or terrarium. Keep it for at least a month. Share your experience with your Webelos den by showing them photos or drawings of your project or by having them visit to see your project.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Into the Wild - Requirement 5
Watch at least four wild creatures (reptiles, amphibians, arachnids, fish, insects, or mammals) in the wild. Describe the kind of place (forest, field, marsh, yard, or park) where you saw them. Tell what they were doing.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Into the Wild - Requirement 8
Learn about aquatic ecosystems and wetlands in your area. Talk with your Webelos den leader or family about he important role aquatic ecosystems and wetlands play in supporting life cycles of wildlife and humans, and list three ways you can help. (While the cub scouts are making their fish, you could be teaching them about fish. This way their hands are busy while you talk).
Audience Participation/Game
Safe Swim Defense Jeopardy
Divide the audience into 2. Then play a game of Jeopardy using these Questions and Answers from the Safe Swim Defense Rules listed at Have everyone use their cell phones to go to this site to find the answers if they do not know them. (The purpose of this game is to help leadership become familiar with Safe Swim Defense Rules. Just by looking for the answers it accomplishes this).
(1) For each point number print the points on one side of a piece of paper and then on the other side, print off the question. When they choose a category and number, turn that paper over to read the question. - You could also just use chalk and write down the categories with the points underneath. (Like Jeopardy) Then when they choose the number of points they want, cross off the points and then read them the question; rather than printing off everything.
(2) Answer sheet reference. You can print it off or just read it by clicking on the link: (This is so you will know where the answers are located).
Note: You may want to set a time limit for the game. Like 15 minutes to a half hour. No matter how many questions were answered, add up the points to determine the winners.
Category - Safe Swim Defense Training
1) (200 points)Use these set of rules for ALL swimming activities
Answer: What is Safe Swim Defense?
2) (400 points)This training needs to be done within the previous two years of any swimming activity.
Answer: What is Safe Swim Defense training?
3) (600 points)Safe Swim Defense rules apply to this depth of water in NONSWIMMING activities.
Answer: What is Over Knee deep water or when submersion is likely?
4)(800 points + Bonus Question) Safe Swim Defense can be taken by going to this website.
Answer: What is
Bonus Question: (1000 points) After going to, this sequence of buttons will help you find the Safe Swim Defense training button.
Answer: 1)Menu 2)my dashboard 3)Training Center 4)Other.
Category - Supervision Personnel
1) (200 points) Aquatic supervision personnel need to be what age.
Answer: What is 21 years or older?
2) (400 points) All scout swimmers need to have a buddy. Aquatic supervision personnel need to do a buddy check this often.
Answer: What is roughly every 10 minutes, or as needed to keep the buddies together?
3) (600 points) When lifeguards are not provided at a regulated facility, a safety team of these members needs to be assembled.
Answer: Who is the qualified supervisor, the designated response personnel and a lookout?
4) (800 points) After the safety team is assembled, this ratio of swimmers to rescuers needs to be followed.
Answer: What is one rescuer to every 10 participants?
Category - Swimming Conditions
1) (200 points) Participants need to take a swimming test to see if they are non swimmers, beginners or swimmers. The designated three water areas need to be clearly marked using these PHYSICAL boundaries.
Answer: What are a shore, a pier or lines?
2) (400 points)The non-swimmer water area should not exceed this depth.
Answer: What is waist to chest deep?
3) (600 points)This term means that there must be safe areas for all participating ability groups to enter and leave the water.
Answer: What is Controlled Access?
4) (800 points + Bonus Question) Diving is permitted only into clear, unobstructed water from heights no greater than this distance.
Answer: What is 40 inches?
Bonus Question: (1000 points) The water depth in the diving area much be this depth.
Answer: What is 7 feet?
POSSIBLE REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO OR THAT CAN BE PASSED OFF(These requirements were taken from the November 2016 updated ones)
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 1
With your den, say the SCOUT water safety chant.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 2
With your den, talk about why it's important to have a buddy and then play the buddy game.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 3
Show how to safely help someone who needs assistance in the water, without having to enter the water yourself.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 4
Show how to enter the water safely, blow your breath out under the water, and do a prone glide.
Wolf Elective Adventure Cubs Who Care - Requirement 2
Learn about a sport that has been adapted so that people in wheelchairs or with some other physical disability can play, and tell your den about it. (This could be swimming. Google Disability Pool Access Equipment)
Wolf Elective Adventure Spirit of Water - Requirement 3
Explain to your den leader why swimming is good exercise.
Wolf Elective Adventure Spirit of Water - Requirement 4
Explain the safety rules that you need to follow before participating in swimming or boating.
Wolf Elective Adventure Spirit of Water - Requirement 5
Visit a local pool or public swimming area with your family or Wolf den. With qualified supervision, jump into water that is at least chest-high, and swim 25 feet or more.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 1
Explain the importance of response personnel or lifeguards in a swimming area. Tell how the buddy system works and why it is important..
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 2
Visit a local pool or swimming area with your den or family. Go swimming or take a swimming lesson.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 6
Show how to do both a reach rescue and a throw rescue.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 7
Demonstrate the front crawl swim stroke to your den or family.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 8
Name the three swimming ability groups for the Boy Scouts of America.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 9
Earn the BSA beginner swim classification.
Webelos Required Adventure Stronger, Faster, Higher - Requirement 4
Try a new sport that you have never tried before.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 1
State the safety precautions you need to take before doing any water activity.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 3
Explain the meaning of "order of rescue" and demonstrate the reach and throw rescue techniques from land.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 4
Attempt the BSA swimmer test.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 5
Demonstrate the precautions you must take before attempting to dive headfirst into the water, and attempt a front surface dive.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 6
Learn and demonstrate two of the following strokes: crawl, sidestroke, breaststroke, or elementary backstroke.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 7
Invite a current or former lifeguard, or member of a rescue squad, the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy, or other armed forces branch who has had swimming and rescue training to your den meeting. Find out what training and other experiences this person has had.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 8
Demonstrate how to correctly fasten a life jacket that is the right size for you. Jump into water over your head. Swim 25 feet wearing the life jacket. Get out of the water, remove the life jacket, and hang it where it will dry.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 9
If you are a qualified swimmer, select a paddle of the proper size, and paddle a canoe with an adult's supervision.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Sportsman - Requirement 2
Participate in two sports, either as an individual or part of a team.
Safe Swim Defense Jeopardy
Divide the audience into 2. Then play a game of Jeopardy using these Questions and Answers from the Safe Swim Defense Rules listed at Have everyone use their cell phones to go to this site to find the answers if they do not know them. (The purpose of this game is to help leadership become familiar with Safe Swim Defense Rules. Just by looking for the answers it accomplishes this).
(1) For each point number print the points on one side of a piece of paper and then on the other side, print off the question. When they choose a category and number, turn that paper over to read the question. - You could also just use chalk and write down the categories with the points underneath. (Like Jeopardy) Then when they choose the number of points they want, cross off the points and then read them the question; rather than printing off everything.
(2) Answer sheet reference. You can print it off or just read it by clicking on the link: (This is so you will know where the answers are located).
Note: You may want to set a time limit for the game. Like 15 minutes to a half hour. No matter how many questions were answered, add up the points to determine the winners.
Category - Safe Swim Defense Training
1) (200 points)Use these set of rules for ALL swimming activities
Answer: What is Safe Swim Defense?
2) (400 points)This training needs to be done within the previous two years of any swimming activity.
Answer: What is Safe Swim Defense training?
3) (600 points)Safe Swim Defense rules apply to this depth of water in NONSWIMMING activities.
Answer: What is Over Knee deep water or when submersion is likely?
4)(800 points + Bonus Question) Safe Swim Defense can be taken by going to this website.
Answer: What is
Bonus Question: (1000 points) After going to, this sequence of buttons will help you find the Safe Swim Defense training button.
Answer: 1)Menu 2)my dashboard 3)Training Center 4)Other.
Category - Supervision Personnel
1) (200 points) Aquatic supervision personnel need to be what age.
Answer: What is 21 years or older?
2) (400 points) All scout swimmers need to have a buddy. Aquatic supervision personnel need to do a buddy check this often.
Answer: What is roughly every 10 minutes, or as needed to keep the buddies together?
3) (600 points) When lifeguards are not provided at a regulated facility, a safety team of these members needs to be assembled.
Answer: Who is the qualified supervisor, the designated response personnel and a lookout?
4) (800 points) After the safety team is assembled, this ratio of swimmers to rescuers needs to be followed.
Answer: What is one rescuer to every 10 participants?
Category - Swimming Conditions
1) (200 points) Participants need to take a swimming test to see if they are non swimmers, beginners or swimmers. The designated three water areas need to be clearly marked using these PHYSICAL boundaries.
Answer: What are a shore, a pier or lines?
2) (400 points)The non-swimmer water area should not exceed this depth.
Answer: What is waist to chest deep?
3) (600 points)This term means that there must be safe areas for all participating ability groups to enter and leave the water.
Answer: What is Controlled Access?
4) (800 points + Bonus Question) Diving is permitted only into clear, unobstructed water from heights no greater than this distance.
Answer: What is 40 inches?
Bonus Question: (1000 points) The water depth in the diving area much be this depth.
Answer: What is 7 feet?
POSSIBLE REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO OR THAT CAN BE PASSED OFF(These requirements were taken from the November 2016 updated ones)
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 1
With your den, say the SCOUT water safety chant.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 2
With your den, talk about why it's important to have a buddy and then play the buddy game.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 3
Show how to safely help someone who needs assistance in the water, without having to enter the water yourself.
Tiger Elective Adventure Floats and Boats - Requirement 4
Show how to enter the water safely, blow your breath out under the water, and do a prone glide.
Wolf Elective Adventure Cubs Who Care - Requirement 2
Learn about a sport that has been adapted so that people in wheelchairs or with some other physical disability can play, and tell your den about it. (This could be swimming. Google Disability Pool Access Equipment)
Wolf Elective Adventure Spirit of Water - Requirement 3
Explain to your den leader why swimming is good exercise.
Wolf Elective Adventure Spirit of Water - Requirement 4
Explain the safety rules that you need to follow before participating in swimming or boating.
Wolf Elective Adventure Spirit of Water - Requirement 5
Visit a local pool or public swimming area with your family or Wolf den. With qualified supervision, jump into water that is at least chest-high, and swim 25 feet or more.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 1
Explain the importance of response personnel or lifeguards in a swimming area. Tell how the buddy system works and why it is important..
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 2
Visit a local pool or swimming area with your den or family. Go swimming or take a swimming lesson.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 6
Show how to do both a reach rescue and a throw rescue.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 7
Demonstrate the front crawl swim stroke to your den or family.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 8
Name the three swimming ability groups for the Boy Scouts of America.
Bear Elective Adventure Salmon Run - Requirement 9
Earn the BSA beginner swim classification.
Webelos Required Adventure Stronger, Faster, Higher - Requirement 4
Try a new sport that you have never tried before.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 1
State the safety precautions you need to take before doing any water activity.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 3
Explain the meaning of "order of rescue" and demonstrate the reach and throw rescue techniques from land.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 4
Attempt the BSA swimmer test.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 5
Demonstrate the precautions you must take before attempting to dive headfirst into the water, and attempt a front surface dive.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 6
Learn and demonstrate two of the following strokes: crawl, sidestroke, breaststroke, or elementary backstroke.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 7
Invite a current or former lifeguard, or member of a rescue squad, the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy, or other armed forces branch who has had swimming and rescue training to your den meeting. Find out what training and other experiences this person has had.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 8
Demonstrate how to correctly fasten a life jacket that is the right size for you. Jump into water over your head. Swim 25 feet wearing the life jacket. Get out of the water, remove the life jacket, and hang it where it will dry.
Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Aquanaut - Requirement 9
If you are a qualified swimmer, select a paddle of the proper size, and paddle a canoe with an adult's supervision.
Webelos/AOL Adventure: Sportsman - Requirement 2
Participate in two sports, either as an individual or part of a team.
/ Run-ons
Turn on the Light Cheer: Close your eyes and pretend to feel around for a light switch in front of you. Then say, "Found it!" Make a clicking noise and open your eyes. Then say, "Much better. Now I can see."
Guess which Power up Products belong to these slogans.
"It takes a lickin and keeps on tickin" Answer: Timex Watch
"It Keeps going and going" Answer: Energizer Bunny
"Have it your way" Answer: Burger King What does it power up? Answer: People
Opening Brain Teaser Answer: The missing number is 65 (8squared [64] plus 1)
Turn on the Light Cheer: Close your eyes and pretend to feel around for a light switch in front of you. Then say, "Found it!" Make a clicking noise and open your eyes. Then say, "Much better. Now I can see."
Guess which Power up Products belong to these slogans.
"It takes a lickin and keeps on tickin" Answer: Timex Watch
"It Keeps going and going" Answer: Energizer Bunny
"Have it your way" Answer: Burger King What does it power up? Answer: People
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